Friday, February 6, 2009

Ben and Babs, please listen to us...

I sent versions of this to Maryland Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin.

Re Stimulus Bill  [orig. sent to NPR’s Diane Rehm Show]

The panic being shown by [legislative] Democrats … is hurting their cause.  They are forcing this behemoth through and shutting down too much debate in the center.

The level of hostility and arrogance shown by leftist Dems is undermining support for the bill by the hour.

Many centrists want this bill broken up into at least two parts: relief (transfer payments) and reinvestment (infrastructure and other targeted spending).  These areas should be hammered out separately.

Giving this unprecendented [scale of] power and money to technocrats coupled with such little accountability and reform is a potential disaster in the making.

Thank you,

--[Name Withheld] in Silver Spring [Wheaton], Maryland

[Senator Mikulski et al., I have been a loyal Democrat all my life; I switched to unaffiliated / independent this January because I fear that “hope” and “change” [are] not translating into dialogue and reform under the current incarnation of the Democratic Party.  Please do not ignore your progressive centrist constituents.  There are more of us out there than you may think.]


Thomas Hardman said...

The arrogance displayed by some of the Democrats is a clear moral outrage:

Pelosi also played down the need for Republican input. "Washington seems consumed by this process argument of bipartisanship," she said. The House's $819 billion stimulus package passed without a single Republican vote.

By the way, thanks for the excellent work over at the District 4 Wiki. I linked your Downcounty Consortium page to the front page.

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY! I've been telling everyone I know that this bill needed dividing. It would make it easier to understand and digest. And, be the bigger party and give the R's a bone. Excellent post.