Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pokin’ fun at the usurer suspects...

Happy April Fool’s Day, folks.

I hate practical jokes because I tend to suspend disbelief with alarming ease, particularly when I’m off my meds.

There are so many fools in this world that we definitely need to claim a day all our own, if not an entire week or fortnight.  In that spirit, I present you with this silly post from this weekend that I almost neglected to stick up here.

Following the financial/banking “series” from last week, below are some words to the effect that bankers are wankers.  If you are in the banking industry and you are not a wanker, then please forgive me for these cheap shots.  They are, of course, aimed at your unsavory colleagues, not you.  I’ve thrown in a couple of curiosities and non sequiturs for variety.

And if you are unfamiliar with colorful cockney vernacular (e.g. wanker), maybe try renting a few choice episodes of “Only Fools and Horses” or something.

These nugatory nuggets are presented in vainglorious Comic Sans MS (where installed) for your general irritation and vexation.

“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”
(often attributed to Mark Twain, probably erroneously)

“Banks have a new image.  Now you have ‘a friend,’ your friendly banker.  If the banks are so friendly, how come they chain down the pens?”
Alan King  (1927 – 2004),
American comedian

“Bats have no bankers and they do not drink and cannot be arrested and pay no tax and, in general, bats have it made.”
John Berryman  (1914 – 1972),
American poet

“bank’s closed”:  Slang from the 1920s that meant no kissing or making out was allowed.

great halls of power

just as the most important people in the city
are complete and utter bankers
the most important people in the army
are the absolute highest rankers

—Michael E.  (b. 1967),
British wag

(This guy is likely riffing on British rhyming slang vis-à-vis wankers.)

Bankers Are Just Like Anybody Else, Except Richer

This is a song to celebrate banks,
Because they are full of money and you go into them and all you hear is clinks and clanks,
Or maybe a sound like the wind in the trees on the hills,
Which is the rustling of the thousand dollar bills1.
Most bankers dwell in marble halls,
Which they get to dwell in because they encourage deposits and discourage withdrawals,
And particularly because they all observe one rule which woe betides the banker who fails to heed it,
Which is you must never lend any money to anybody unless they don’t need it.
I know you, you cautious conservative banks!
If people are worried about their rent it is your duty to deny them the loan of one nickel, yes, even one copper engraving of the martyred son of the late Nancy Hanks2;
Yes, if they request fifty dollars to pay for a baby you must look at them like Tarzan looking at an uppity ape in the jungle,
And tell them what do they think a bank is, anyhow, they had better go get the money from their wife’s aunt or ungle.
But suppose people come in and they have a million and they want another million to pile on top of it,
Why, you brim with the milk of human kindness and you urge them to accept every drop of it,
And you lend them the million so then they have two million and this gives them the idea that they would be better off with four,
So they already have two million as security so you have no hesitation in lending them two more,
And all the vice-presidents nod their heads in rhythm,
And the only question asked is do the borrowers want the money sent or do they want to take it withm.
But don’t think I’m against banks,
Because I think they deserve our appreciation and thanks
for eliminating the jackasses who go around saying that health and happiness are everything and money isn’t essential,
Because as soon as they have to borrow some unimportant money to maintain their health and happiness they starve to death so they can’t go around any more sneering at good old money, which is nothing short of providential.

Ogden Nash  (1902 – 1971),
American wag

1.  While this line sounds outlandish to us today, thousand dollar bills (with Grover Cleveland’s likeness) were around when Nash penned this poem.  The U.S. Mint ceased issuing larger denominations after World War II and they were retired from circulation entirely in 1969 to help thwart organized crime rackets.

2.  Nancy Hanks was Lincoln’s mother, so “one copper engraving of the martyred son of the late Nancy Hanks” would refer to a penny, naturally.  This might have been more obvious had you grown up way back during the early 20th century like I did.  Truly I am an “old soul.”  Okay, now you know I’m yanking your chain.

* * *

Below you’ll find my stab at an Ogdenashy ode.  Only I take aim at a very 21st Century set of targets.  This is clearly more jeer than jeremiad, inveighing against influential and irresponsible media figures with churlish cheekiness.  However, the underlying target is really their employers, the mainstream media outlets that featured personalities who indulged in chatty cheerleading during the bubble and splenic spluttering during the bust.

Business media personalities are just like anybody else, except they have unusually exorbitant hair & makeup allowances

This is a verse to celebrate every silly talking head,
Who lulls with such fatuous chatter the most easily led.
Most fashion-plate correspondents sit in Herman Miller Aeron chairs
And affect light conversation and smiles that draw willing viewers’ stares,
And particularly because they all observe one rule, and their fans do a great deal to support it,
Which is you must never deliver news or analysis unless it is dumbed down and distorted.
Fiend, you forsook to foresee the financial fiasco, forsooth!
Objectivity: FAIL, you fraudulent Wall Street mouthpiece herald!
If we worry about our savings is it your duty to deny us the reverse of the coin of truth,
Even if it costs us some more numismatic portraits of the martyred son of the late Rose Fitzgerald?!
While your ink-stained betters lose their shirts despite all their toil,
You still prosper while peddling your infotainment snake oil.
But don’t think I’m against air-brushed personalities,
With their packaged presentations and banalities,
Because I think they deserve our full gratitude
for helping to cultivate our dull attitude
Besides which, we'd be hung higher and drier
And find ourselves even more out-of-lucker,
If our culture failed to be a supplier
Of the latest, greatest model of sucker

—Publius Ignominius Stuporis Slumburbius
(two-bit American wag)

Joey Maria

* * *

Gabba gabba hey...  To make up for that kind of lame Ram0nes song, I feel compelled to include a classic from 1977’s R0cket to Russia  LP.  “Teenage Lobo†omy” keeps up the brain damage theme (albeit sans zombies), complete with Lego stop-motion action.  Hey, these little dudes play air guitar better than I do, and I have the luxury of articulated elbow and wrist joints.


Thomas Hardman said...

Um. Not bad Ogden Nashness.

However, embed _this_:

Mindless Little Insects by No Trend.

If you play this loud enough, it may even drown out all of the idiots blasting their accordion music out the windows of their crappy riced-out Hondas.

Subterranean Suburbanite Hausfrau said...

Actually, my stab at Ogdenashness has more regular meter than Nash’s does.  BTW, did you know Ogden Nash was a Baltimorean?

Thanks for the link, Hardman.  Great lyrics, too.
Looks like No Trend is/was local (DC/Md) to boot.

Hahah, I’ve heard that “rice burner” sort of slang a few times.

Hey, if I’m ½ East Asian and ½ white and I live in lower slumburbia, does that make me a “rice cracker”?

Probably the only accordion music I can stomach these days is Weird Al.  Actually, on many days the neighbors tend to play this annoying repetitive arpeggiated two-chord crap that doesn’t always have the expected accordion accompaniment.

¡Ay, dios mio!, el daño sónico tocado por mis vecinos hedonistas es muy muy molesto.  Pero cuando quiera que quejo de esto, los groseros suben el volumen de esta tortura.

Speaking of molesto, Spanish doesn’t appear to have a cognate that quite captures the full connotation of the adjective “obnoxious,” which is pretty odd given that the word “obnoxious” comes from Latin.

Actually, I don’t necessarily want to complain too harshly about the acordeón y gitarra music, otherwise they may start playing some of the worse alternatives (like the gangsta rap en español I was treated to all last autumn/winter).

Thomas Hardman said...

Um. See the No Trend MySpace page. Gives great history.

No Trend was infamous for showing up on the "we're so cool 'cause we're all anarchistic and stuff" scene, and they'd go through all of this production about set-up and when all of the fashionable counterculture trendies would all line up in front of the state with their hair just fucking perfect, No Trend would turn on about a jillion watts of spotlights and melt the trendies' hair gel. Accompanied to, of course, "Mindless Little Insects".

They also actually got listed in one of the mid-1980s trendy magazines as "top 100 must-have college tracks" for Teen Love which pretty much covers the disaffected and misspent Youth of Montgomery County.

And yes! You could be a Rice Cracker! But only if you are from the Maryland punk band Half Japanese.

By the way, I'm pretty sure that when those guys are driving around blasting that crap -- especially that Doof doofa Doof doofa stuff -- they aren't doing it because they like the music, because frankly as music it doesn't even rise to the level of crap that you'd get out of a tone-deaf alcoholic repeatedly falling down on a pile of busted bottles.

They're only doing it because they know you hate it. They want you to associate that sound with that hate that you feel. Remember, this is not the behavior of respectable people, it's the petty and picayune obnoxiousness of sniggering dimwits who thrive on their own odiousness. Hmm, probably no Spanish word for that either.

I dunno, the only Spanish I know is "por mi es ahora no trabajo, para jo no hablo espa~ol". I learned to say that when I discovered that ads for McDonalds manager positions mandate "fluent spanish required".

well, excuse me, I need to go find even more ear-destroying heinous "tunage" to combat the shit reggaeton (or whatever it is with the Doof doofa Doof doofa). I'm thinking maybe something with Chinese Bagpipes laid over some mind-devouring reverse-syncopation rhythms of the sort that breed entropy, rage, and death. Polkas, maybe, from the 1930s. Epic Fail boogie-woogie or something from rightly-infamous Swing Bands from Jakarta perhaps. North Korean punk rock might do, but neither the websites nor the bands last long enough to complete a download...

I'd offer this but it would probably only encourage them. This might have more effect.

Of course, this might do them it: proof positive that it takes a German to play a guitar properly.

Subterranean Suburbanite Hausfrau said...

“You could be a Rice Cracker! But only if you are from the Maryland punk band Half Japanese.”

Gotta love Half Japanese and the Brothers Fair.  I helped flesh out that wikipedia entry way back when it was still very stubby.  (It still needs a lot of work.)

In addition to Maryland, HJ has a Michigan connection too, which for some reason never really made it into the article.

I think Maryland should claim ’em over Michigan though, because Michiganians tend to get more hung up over things like cock-rock musicianship.  Well, Detroit does, anyways.

“...crap that you'd get out of a tone-deaf alcoholic repeatedly falling down on a pile of busted bottles”

Wow, sounds like somebody in your neighborhood is starting the Easter celebrations early.

Sometimes when the fiestas get a bit too feisty around here I check this calendar out to see if there’s any particular reason why the chanchona has been turned up to >105dB instead of the customary ~85db.

I’m actually thinking of making arrangements not to be here in Villa Alegre when the first week of May rolls around, based on this calendar.

“Of course, this might do them it: proof positive that it takes a German to <a href="[broken link to terrifying foreign-language animation of a flatulent farm animal]">play a guitar properly</a>.”

Maybe you meant...
“it takes a German[1] to play a guitar properly
[1] the righteous mofo(s) from Can

...or perhaps...
“it takes a German[2] to play a guitar properly
[2] the other righteous mofo(s) from Neu!

...but let’s just make it:
“it takes [an ambidextrous left-handed basement axe champ] to play a guitar properly

Thomas Hardman said...

Crap. That's supposed to be">Django Reinhardt.

I only wish I could play like that.

Hunt down all of his stuff that you can. Here's an excellent sampler. Even Chet Atkins worshipped him, and that's really saying something.

As for the music that doesn't rise to the level of crap etc etc., there's some boneheads of the type who live to perpetrate the stereotype who seem to have nothing better to do than to drive around the block perpetrating the stereotype to the point where folks don't even bother to sneer at them anymore, they just hold up a sign that says "WAPOW" ("what a piece of work") with a picture of Mister Yuk.

Anyways, for the link to the basement rocker, domo tozeimashita, if that's appropriate. Or is domo arigato better? I forget.

Well, now I have to go figure out what to do to pass my time now that there won't be any more episodes of Battlestar Galactica.

Doesn't look like I'll be getting a job anytime soon.