Friday, March 20, 2009

“State unemployment at a glance” (3/11/09)

The Associated Press released this historical unemployment data a week and a half ago.  For some reason they didn’t bother to format it in a table; it just looks like their journalist smart alecks exported the data from a spreadsheet or something.

Maybe this is what happens when the newspaper industry fires too many of its key IT people.

Here I’ve performed a humble public service by putting this information in a table for your edification and analysis.  Enjoy, fellow armchair labor economists.

(DC-metro states are shown in medium blue; regional neighbors in pale blue.)

A:  “rank of each state based on the January 2009 unemployment rate, with a lower number indicating a lower rate”

B:  “state's unemployment rate for January 2009”

C:  “[unemployment] rate for December 2008”

D:  “[unemployment] rate for January 2008”

E:  “the month and year unemployment peaked [from January 1976 onwards]”

F:  “peak unemployment rate since January 1976”

Alabama317.86.53.9Dec. 198214.4
Alaska347.96.86.4July 198611.5
Arizona2476.64.4Feb. 198311.5
Arkansas176.45.74.8Mar. 198310.2
California4810.18.76.1Feb. 198311
Colorado196.65.84.3Nov. 19829.1
Connecticut277.36.65Jan. 197610
Delaware216.75.73.9Jan. 19778.2
District of Columbia449.38.25.9Mar. 198311.4
Florida378.67.65Mar. 19769.7
Georgia378.67.55.2Jan. 20098.6
Hawaii156.15.13Mar. 197610.2
Idaho196.66.13.7Feb. 19839.4
Illinois347.97.25.8Feb. 198312.9
Indiana439.27.84.8Nov. 198212.8
Iowa64.84.43.9May 19838.5
Kansas135.853.9Sept. 19827.4
Kentucky408.77.65.5Dec. 198212.1
Louisiana85.15.53.8Sept. 198612.9
Maine317.86.54.8Mar. 19779
Maryland166.25.43.6Aug. 19828.3
Massachusetts297.46.44.6Jan. 197610.9
Michigan5111.610.27.3Nov. 198216.9
Minnesota307.66.64.8Nov. 19829
Mississippi408.77.86May 198313.7
Missouri3687.15.5Apr. 198310.5
Montana125.653.9May 19838.7
Nebraska34.33.93Feb. 19836.8
Nevada459.48.45.3Dec. 198210.7
New Hampshire85.14.33.5June 19927.7
New Jersey277.36.84.6Feb. 197710.6
New Mexico85.14.73.7Apr. 19839.9
New York2476.64.7July 197610.5
North Carolina469.78.15Feb. 198310.2
North Dakota24.23.33Mar. 19836.9
Ohio428.87.45.7Jan. 198313.8
Oklahoma754.63.3Aug. 19869.4
Oregon479.98.35.3Nov. 198212.1
Pennsylvania2476.44.6Mar. 198312.9
Rhode Island4910.39.46.3Jan. 200910.3
South Carolina5010.48.85.7Jan. 198311.4
South Dakota44.43.72.7Oct. 19825.9
Tennessee378.67.65.3Dec. 198212.4
Texas176.45.64.4Oct. 19869.3
Utah54.64.13.2Mar. 19839.7
Vermont226.85.94.3June 19769
Virginia14653.4Jan. 19837.8
Washington317.86.54.6Nov. 198212.2
West Virginia115.34.54.1Mar. 198318.2
Wisconsin236.95.94.4Jan. 198311.8
Wyoming13.73.22.7May 198310.1

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